Completing this project has been important to me because HISTORY IS WRITTEN BY WINNERS. Those who have championed the protection of sacred and natural resources have paid a price. Their sacrifice deserves recognition, respect and the embrace of a future generation.
A poster is a collectible memory. It has a physical lifespan of 30-40 years. It speaks to an uncertain future and it continues to speak when we are gone.
Individual, and families who have supported the fight and stood against the Black Snake, will be gathered once again, to stand on the back of a WATER IS LIFE Poster. Their names will be printed and they will bear witness to the legacy of our Standing Rock.
We are compiling consent and you can monitor the progress until May 10th. Please share this far and wide. Help gather the many who have made the difference but unaware of this poster.
Thank You!
John Chao
(BOLD names represent those arrested or injured and indented names are minors or family members. If you wish to be listed, removed or make a correction, simply state your request, PM your message or just click ‘Sign Our Poster’.)
CURRENT LIST: Click to Enter, Click Again to Enlarge. (Updated: 10:19 am, May 27 )

I got my posters the other day, so happy! 👏
And John was awesome enough to include a few post cards that will make excellent gifts. Thank you again so much for capturing that image and everything else.
Water is Life ✊
Has anyone received a poster yet? A nameless one, I know the ones with the list of names has not been printed and shipped yet.
I ordered a poster, but it never came in the mail.
The poster with names you ordered is going to press next week and will be ready in a few weeks. Thank you for your patience.
My fiancé & me ordered a poster with the names on it, our names Joe & Angie Gazotti & my brother Anthony Gazotti, we ordered it the 10th of last month & haven’t heard nothing about it since. We would like to find out what’s Going on with it. Thank you
We have started shipping posters in the order that they were received. You will get an email with a tracking number as soon as it is shipped. Thank you for your patience.
Thank you very much can’t wait to Get it.
Ok… So I registered… is it too late? I spent three months at Standing Rock…
Anyway, if you can, put me down as Long-John Gonzalez
Seems my name disappeared, but it was never spelled right last time I looked…
Standing Bear, Long-John Gonzalez
Mitakuye Oyasin
When will the final call poster be ready to purchase?
There will be an announcement shortly.
Could you please change a name I registered…Jalisa Negely Pilot but her name is Jalisa Negely Pettit
I am Roxanne White I am Yakama Nation, Nimiipuu, I had the Honor of working in the Main Kitchen at Oceti Sakowen in August/September for 40 days and retured 2 more times in October/December. My Purpose was to Serve and Pray. I still Serve the Frontlines from my Home Seattle Washington and it would be an Honor to have my Name added to this Historical Posyer!! Thank You for Reaching Out to Me!!!
I did 2 tours…a week at a time, the first time in September and the second time in November, at which I stayed at the Michigan Host Camp. I’m Odawa from Harbor Springs, Michigan. My friends/ community know me as Tee…my English name is Theresa Keshick. #BimmadziwinNbiAawan #WaterIsLife #MniWiconi. #ShutDownLine5
My name is Yamni Frank Harden, I lived at black hills camp with my dad Travis Harden aka (Super NoDAPL Man) anyway I was there from late September till December 5… In October I got shot with a sandbag point blank by a sheriff, who was aiming for my face… So please put me on the poster in bold letters. .. Pilamaye
I was at camp fr Aug 17th to Oct 11th making 4 trips within that time. plz add me Trudy Hotain and my daughter Lacey Hotain thank you.
You can proof the list later tonight when we update the page. I am always so pleased to include the kids knowing in 30 years this will mean so much to them.
Great work! I just filled out the form.
Much love,
Sheri Lewis on FB Sheri Lewis Green
If you want Keyboard Warriors on here too, I’d be honored to be listed.
i was also shot maced and arrested
could you please add my name to this list i was there for 6 months as a medic my name is ramon maestas but every one knew me at camp as Ray please and thank you for your time
Pmed you 🙂
Did not receive.
Is this for people who attended in person or are keyboard warriors also able to be included?
Yes Keyboard warriors are included.
Could you please post my name Israel Hernandez?
Done and you wee arrested, right?
Louis( Lou) Hill III, drove one of two U-Haul truck loads of food from Mississippi, in Early December, stayed for Veterans march at Oceti Sakowin.
I also would appreciate being added to the poster list. Thanks.
Just want to say I am proud that I was able to get to SR twice to stand with others against the DAPL.
Please add me Shelly Day, I was at Standing Rock in September 2016.
please add Rose O’Reilly Maui, Hawaii—-November
Please let them know I must get a consent Wilika. Thank You!
Myron Dewey DSS
Mike Fasig
They both consented.
I participated during the Veteran call. Please add my name…. this is a great idea !
We must all stand up for what is right or we are just as guilty as the perpetrators.
Add Dr. Susan Marie Anderson
I was at Oceti in Sept, Oct, Nov and beginning of Dec. I would like to be added to the poster.
Hey I seen my name before. Perhaps I missed it. I couldn’t find it here. I’m very confused. Lol if you could add it Is appreciate it
We had to start a new list and get everyone’s consent. We’re just getting to the H’s in contacting and asking for consent. Thank You!
Sorry Israel, We had to start a new list. You are back on.
Shared and thankful. Your work is appreciated. <3
I was there for about a month, fuck it list me.
I want my name removed. I do NOT consent.
Please add Douglas H. Mehring
Can you add my name to the list i was in veterans deployment in december
Thank You Martan, already added.
Please add my daughter Jacque “room temperature butter” and Abuela Silvia
I submitted my names of people who were with me St Oceti Sakowin for seven month’s and we weren’t on the poster! Winona Kasto, Abe Kasto, Grace Kasto, Seanacey Kasto, Noah Kasto, Severt Young Bear, Saunders Young Bear, Karen Little Wounded, Joe Lafferty these are the one’s who were there at Oceti Sakowin camp.
We had to discard that list because people were complaining that their names appeared without their consent. The names you see on this list are only of those we’ve gotten consent. Can you please give me a list of names that are aware and do consent to have their names published? We will insert into the list right away. Thank you Winona!